Jing Feng came to NZ from Tianjin China as an international student in 2002. Initially Jing studied nursing at the Auckland University of Technology. She completed her post-graduate diploma at the University of Auckland. After graduation, Jing immediately began working in the Ear Nose and Throat field, and has continued to specialise in this area…
We are, temporarily, closed
I was just looking at our recent posts, and see how negative they have all been. Closings and openings – we really need to try harder! Anyway, we are closed again, due to the Level 4 Lockdown. We can see urgent cases in Level 3. And can operate in a near-normal fashion once we get…
Level Three…. Again!
Oh dear, what a shame to be in a Level 3 Lockdown again. We sincerely hope that it is short and sweet! Or, as sweet as it can be! As we are not considered to be an essential service, we are able only to provide urgent services at this time. In August last year we…
It’s not business as usual…..
We’ve been here before folks. And what a nuisance. Due to the Level 3 Lockdown that is currently in place in Auckland we are unable to run our business in the same way we normally can. We are still able to carry out aural toilet (ear cleaning) for people who have an urgent need for…
5 reasons your ears might feel blocked
Most people assume that when their ears feel blocked it is because they have wax in their ear canals. However, blocked ears are not always caused by wax. The most common reasons for a blocked feeling in your ear or ears are: Wax blocking your ear canal A small amount of wax in your ear…
Should I use ear drops before visiting Boutique Ear Care?
Our wonderful ear nurses, Jing and Cynthia, do not recommend you put anything in your ear canals to soften the cerumen prior to your visit with them. GPs used to recommend softeners, but that was because ear cleaning was carried out by syringing. Syringing is far more effective with softened cerumen. As we use microsuction to…